A little things about me and my experiences in New York


My name is Eight, I just arrived here in New York last December 18, 2018. I was born in Quezon City, Philippines. My family migrated here because my father works here as a nurse and he wants us to live with him. I was also a grade 10 student in the Philippines. Back there I was the Band Master of our Drum and Lyre Band. I am using the baton instrument. We joined a lot of competitions sometimes we lose but most of the time we are able to get the title.

Being raised in the Philippines and migrating to another country is a bit difficult especially in school because every subject I have different classmates. In the Philippines, teachers are the ones who switch classes and students stay in their rooms so we have a lot of time to mingle and know each other. Maybe for now it's a bit hard but I know eventually I would be able to adjust in the society.

It's been 20 days since I left the Philippines. I was able to visit some famous spots here in New York like the Time Square, The World Trade Center, and many more. Until now I'm still adjusting and I was glad when I knew there are also Filipinos in my school. Some of them are students and some are teachers. New York is very different from my place in the Philippines. Back there all houses are simple and it's not a very busy place unlike here in New York.


  1. It must be hard for you to adjust to moving to a new place, I understand. I am glad you were able to learn more about New York. What do you miss the most from the Philippines?

    1. I miss my friends and especially the foods. There are a lot of delicious foods in the Philippines and I'm sure you'll love all the tourist spots in there.

  2. Welcome to NYC! You're gonna love this school just like i do as i arrived here just a few months ago.

  3. Welcome to nyc! There are many amazing Southeast Asia restaurants around school.

    1. Thanks for the info! I really miss eating Southeast Asian foods

  4. I hope you enjoy being in this school and adjust well to the changes.

  5. welcome to New York! your experience make me remember that when I just come here, I also interesting about anything in this city! And your English every good!

    1. Thank you! I know, a lot of people really wants to be in New York.

  6. Welcome to NYC I hope you enjoy in LESP high school and City and learn more new things.


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